About Misty Greene

 Who Is Misty Greene?

 I am a fun loving, always laughing, and full of love, wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend. I am a believer in Jesus Christ, and I am a photographer. I am married to my best friend Tommy, we have 2 wonderful boys. We are living out our dreams. We live in the country on 20 acres of land with cattle and dogs. We don't live in a fancy house or drive a fancy car, but this is our life and this is right where God wanted us to be.

I LOVE PHOTOGRAPHY....  I have had a camera in hand since I was a child. My husband often thinks I am crazy because I will ask him to stop so I can take a picture of some random things. I have a problem, and I admit it. :-)

I have loved photography for as long as I can remember. I worked as a dental assistant for 4 years before I decided to go ahead an take the leap and make this my full time job. I have taken several classes online, I attended the worlds largest Wedding Photographer Convention (WPPI) in Las Vegas, and got to meet and work with some amazing and talented photographers from around the world. I am very blessed to have one of my best friends that I met through following her photography help me and support me. It is really something to have someone take you under their wing and help you build your business. I am working to get certified in Professional Photography by next summer.

This is my world!

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